
Sham idrees, Queen Froggy , Ducky bahi A social war or a new way to entertained people

This is one of the most interesting topic that I ever come across. It is about the controversy of Sham Idrees, his wife Queen Froggy and Ducky bahi.
I personally conducted research through watching various videos and analyzing the situation before sharing my perspective. I found that they were bore from their routine work of entertaining people and sharing NEWs. So they came up with the different idea to keep their audience engaged effectively by increasing their interest and creating more suspicious situation. Normally our society get excited on the controversy topics and enjoy more than dealing with boring News.


Story beings with Ducky bahi name Saad ur Rehman, who did an analysis of Sham idrees videos.  Ducky bahi is youtuber  and entertain people with little language, in his unique way. Basically, his youtube channel is based on the analysis of different public figures.  Ducky bahi believes that he just did a video on rise of Sham idrees to inform people of Pakistan that all pranks and video of  Sham idrees and Queen  Froggyy is scripted and are copied from other you tuber.  Ducky further reveilles that  Sham idrees( scam Idrees) copy content from  less famous youtube and he doesn’t have his own content. Sham idrees has used different people to get good position on the online digital entertaining market.  To support his statement ducky mention that Sham idrees has copied  complete content of youtuber Tamure ilyas   ( know as Moroo in youtube world).  Duky bahi also mention  other names  like Shahmeer abbas, Zaid Ali T  who  were  good friends  of   Sham idrees( scam ablees)  and  left him because  of  his attitude and  selfishness. Ducky bahi also give proofs about   that  how Sham idrees is  threating  him and his family  because he is defaming him.  Ducky  bahi said that  this  Queen Forggy and  Sham idrees   is doing drama and  want to get   TRP in name of Pakistan  all to gather movement. The most interesting fact that ducky shared was that   you can’t write negative comment on Sham idrees  youtube channel.  Ducky also mention few  words like  # fake #scam # drama # scripted# copied# copy# chuss ( discussing )  on his channel . Ducky bahi honestly accepted that  he use inappropriate  language  and is all his  viewer are aware of it . Ducky further clarify that   he do his work in any ethical way , he  never used hate speech or abusive language for  the  person family home  he is making video. Secondly ducky bahi said that  he do criticize  people  but he only criticize  people  who deserved to be criticized. Ducky said  that he never criticize  people   who are not  looking for controversy. Ducky also  give  his view on Queen Forggy  hijab  rapper song. He said she should  show respect toward the hijab. Froggy should not   use  hijab as a shield to create good  image.
Summarizing ducky bahi points  Sham  Idrees is fake ,his content is copied and it’s  not funny at all. Sham idrees use people for his benefits and then leave them.  His  wife  Queen Forggy take  shelter behind hijab and creating   negativity about me  through  # tag movements on her  Instagram. She  insulted  whole Pakistan through her  tinny you tuber Pakistani twits.

Now other side of the  coine Sham idrees  believe  that  he had  issues  with many  people it’s  true  but it  does not  make   him selfish or mean. Sham idrees   said  that he  feel  hurt  when they call him   names like scam ibleees or  scam Idrees  one should be respectful  to other person. Sham idrees give answers to  ducky bahi video which was by name  of expose of Sham idrees  . Sham idrees said I accept that he blocked many words on his channel as its his channel and  he have the right to do want he want to.  He clarify his vision  that he want people to come  for entertainment to his channel  not criticize  shams works  in the influence of others. Sham idress mention that  his   channel is  family entertainment channel so  he don’t want any  bad comment on families entertainment platform. Sham idreese  idres said that some of  my videos are inspired from  others  but 80 percent of my videos  are based on my own content. I’m not  fake person  or a person who steels  other work.  Sham supported his statement with summary of his accident video. Sham   mention that video and explain that  he was working on video making since 400 days  so it was completely intentional  that he shoot things as he carry cam all time . Sham idrees mention it was not scam as mention by  duck  bahi  because  one  can clearly see the accident cars in  camera farm.  Sham idrees said that  people who know him personally respect him a lot and he always try  to promote Pakistan and  give  platform  to Pakistani local talent . Sham idrees is ready to do collaborative work  with any one  who his willing   to work with him.  To Support his  statement he share a   video of Shameer  Abassi where Shameer said  that  we are not friends  any more but Sham is a  hardworking and good person and I respect him a lot.  Another your tuber Ozzy did video to support him. Ozzy said Sham idrees support me when I have less to no flowers at that time I was just working on Instagram and Sham send me an appreciation video which is still on my Instagram page.  In short Sham idrees block comments   because it’s a family channel and he don’t want to have anything bad on it. Sham idrees and Queen Forggy completely deny that that they use word tinny to insult Pakistanis they use it for people who insulted them by calling them hypocrite fake cheater scam makers. Froggy said they are narrow minded people who are just using their name to get attention. I will conclude Sham idrees portion by his saying that   he respects his fans a lot as those are fan who make him star.
  After researching and listening to both sides I’m still confuse that what is this all drama about why they want to proof other party valiant.

zayid Ali T 6772390195222142006

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