
Zakir Naik Asylum in Malaysia

Zakir Naik most inspirational scholar who influence thousands of people toward good deeds and Islam. Every year thousands of people embrace Islam due to his preaching.


Zakir Naik full name Zakir Abdul karim was born in India on 18 October 1965.Zakir naik is physician by profession. Zakir Naki is founding member of Islamic research foundation and founder of Peace Tv . Dr.Zakir Naki is a scholar of comparative religions.  Initially he starts preaching Islam in different corners of India through organizing seminars and debits.at end of every speech there is question answer section where he responds to people quires. He has vast knowledge of religions and science. His speeches are mostly based on linkage of Islamic teaching with  modern science logic and proving  Islamic  teaching throng science.
Many people from other religions converted to Islam due his preaching. this become main reason for the  scholar of  other religions to hate him. Many Hindu scholars hate him as they believe that Dr.Zakir Nalik is against their religion and  dr.Zakir Naik  is miss leading their people  through  false arguments  but on one can challenge
. Times of India publish his profile in entailed controversial preacher after he was banned from United Kingdom. Indian media try to portray his image as a terrorist funder, but so far they are not able to prove a case on him.
Different controversies were created against him to prove that he is helping terrorist groups in India but so far no evidence were found to prove him criminal.
Dr.Zakair preacher of Islam but his appearance is quite different that the typical Muslim scholars Dr.Zakir wear dress pain and shirt and  cover head with cap Muslim scholar criticize him for his  for not  having  similar appearance like them. So on the bases of his appearance they  declare  him non-Muslim  and run different camping’s against him, calling  Dr.Zakir Naik enemy of Islam ,agent of non-Muslim etc. .
The best part about Zakir Naik is his remarkable knowledge about different religions. Muslim around the globe love him and respect him for his work except few Muslim scholars who consider dressing are more important than teaching
At 2 November 2017 according to newspaper khalij times it was confirmed that Doctor Zakir naik seek asylum in Malaysia. Many local captured selfies with him at  Putra mosque According to Malaysia government  so far  they did not receive any allegation against the preacher from Indian government Doctor Zakir Naik is living  in Malaysia and  following rules and regulation of the country.
 Now the question is what make him to leave his country and seek asylum. The Indian media play important vital role in that as they were continuously blaming him for supporting the militant groups Indian, which created  an alarming situation for  him and  he was left with no option  but to take asylum.

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