Raise awareness for the victims ...
I’m not asking a lot I just want to be free .Need free space
to breath. I don’t want an equal right
but right to live. Why every time my throat
is cut and my skin is snatch for few movements of pleasure? Why my culprit is
not hanged in public square?? why human
rights protects his
rights not mine??? Why I m always ask to keep quite in the name
of family legacy in the name of culture.?????
why we protest against the small
crimes but not against
the crime that take
someone lives away.
It needs a lot of
courage to talk about the things that are considered taboo in society. I m putting my part to raise
awareness against the situation that almost every girl face at
different stages of life…… We women blame our entire existence for
someone ells behavior. Someone will find
it useless to read as these incidents are daily in read. We are ok with it, as we
can’t do anything. We all are well aware
of it, we all know
the pain we know that it’s a worst feeling one can have, but we just
simple avoid this topic .Due to our establish
family social patterns . we can
discuss any question able movies seen
with our family or friends but cannot
talk to
them about any rape case
or any harassment that we
face. We just tolerate it
because we know society
will not blame rapist
or acid attacker they will
question the victim innocence. Society will try to justify
them self for not having any strength to punish the culprit so Society will start blaming
the victim for dressing , for going
alone ,for being weak , for
being Girl.
So now my point here is how
many time we tried to
change it ??? How many you time seek help against violence?
How many time you posted against them? What you did to raise your awareness about the
point of contact regarding these issues. How many times you ended your relationship
with the person who misses treated you or others in front of you???????
We women wear that perfect smile and then we are ok with
being harassed ok with other opinions about our posture….. Stop this
speak up be strong
don’t let that fake
smile kill your soul .
Support victims of such incident.
Support victims of such incident.