
Zombies cells are responsible for aging. Stop feeding them

Do you know you can live young forever? You can slow down your aging process. Within this advance medicinal world everything is possible. Many scientists are work on this topic; they trying to slowdown the aging process or reverse it. 
Researcher of aging at Albert Einstein collage at New York said if we target zombie cells then we can delay or reverse aging process. Researcher Nir Barzilia also believe that those zombies cells are actually responsible for aging process.
 Zombie cells are built in  our body  that trigger  our aging process, those cells promotes Alzheimer, Osteoporosis’s disease. A group of genestric specialists Dr. james  Kirkland of Mayoclinic in  Roschester Minnesota try to develop a drug to treat  those zombie cell. Karikland believe that this treatment is mysterious if you treat one disease other   will be rise.
 Researchers have found that if  durg  is able to kill zombie cells they will kill all the symptoms related to it.
 Early this year drug was applied  to mice. The  experiment was successful they observe remarkable change. The aging process of the mice was slowdown with use of drug. Then they repeat a same experiment with   old age mice equant to age  75-90 year it extended their life span by average 36 year.
 Than  the researcher transplanted those zombie cell to young mice and  they observe that  those cell make mice  weak and act  like old
The zombie cells are actually called senccent cells. They start growth like normal cells encounter stress like  damage to DNA or viral infection in this  process cell either die or enter  zombie state ,the state of animation. The worst part about zombie cell  is they releases a chemical substance that damage all near cells. In mice case senolytic  cell releases  zombie cells.

 A number of aging diseases like heart enlargement kidney failure, weakness of muscles, Osteoporosis   etc can   stop by stop by stopping   the growth of those zombie cells.  This study show that the drug they made strongly effect the aging  process by killing zombie cells.
After experiment on animals they take 14 patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis suffering from a fatal disease that scars the ling of the lungs. The drug was tested on those 14 voluntaries and it was clearly observed that their physical actives get better like walking etc but other  part of disease remain same.
Dr,Gregory cosgrove  cheife medical officer  of pulmonary fibrosis foundation a place  which volunteer and  supported the research to  be conducted.  Share that drug is effective and it can be  use for treatment of premature aging among the cancer patients.   Some of the drugs that were discover previously in formation of anti-aging drugs are now mostly sell as a supplement  in market.
  The drug form by Mr. karikland  is  no doubt effective  but it will take   a lot time and o experimentation to take a proper shape.  The drug is still in its experimentation phase researchers are working hard to get that in its final shape  soon as possible.
 Without drugs we can also slow down aging by not taking stress. Stop feeding your Zombie cells with stress

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  1. Reverse Aging is a miracle. Lot of research done on Reverse Aging and its procedure. This blog share great information on this important topic. Thanks for sharing



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